It's You?! (Yandere!Kny x Reader) - Chapter 3 - poemsarebest - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

C҉h҉a҉p҉t҉e҉r҉ ҉2҉:҉ ҉W҉h҉a҉t҉ ҉T҉h҉e҉ ҉F҉u҉c҉k҉?҉

1. POV

I open them again to see a black void. It looks oddly familiar to the place where my dreams took place. Actually, it looks almost the same as the place in my last dream, where the man was. He is the strongest Demon Slayer in the whole existence. And talking about him, I can feel his presence, but I can't see him. When someone raises me up, I swear that I literally scream my whole soul and it fades out of existence, but then I see this man again and shut my mouth. He looks at me with a calm expression. "Hello, my Descendant. You're here once again. This time, you know more than you should. So I shall tell you as much as I can about me," he says while taking a chair out of nowhere and putting me to sit in there.

"So, as you might know, I was a Demon Slayer. I created things called Breathing Styles. So demons were real, but the King was defeated. His name was Muzan Kibutsuji. The cruelest demon in the world. Many people took breathing styles over from me, but not the original one. They created their own, just to match their body better. Demons can be killed with a nichirin blade. You need to cut their head off. Be aware of the Twelve Kizuki. They work directly under Muzan. They have numbers craved in their eyes.If you're wondering, then I'm gonna tell you something. You're not my descendant directly. But you are directly my brother's descendant.

My wife got killed with the baby who was with her. My brother became a demon because he wished to live longer. Demon Slayer Mark is something, that you can maintain only in extreme conditions. With that, it's not possible to live over the age of 25. I was the only expectation. But when you were born, I knew that something was bound to happen. I might be dead, but I'm still on the earth and I'm not stupid. So I'm gonna send you to the Taisho era. Don't worry, I'm always in touch. Just go and sleep, when you want to talk with me. Do you have any questions? I can maybe answer them."

I think and then ask the stupidest question: "What the hell did you just tell me? And who the hell are you? What is your name?" Well, it was three questions, but who cares.

"I told you some facts that you might need. Those are simple. I am Yoriichi Tsugikuni. You are Y/n Tsugikuni. We share the blood. And like I told you earlier, I'm your ancestor. Now, you need to go, Y/n." I want to protest, but before I can, I can feel myself falling again. This time, it doesn't stop. I look down to see a guy with a sword and a white-haired girl, who has also white skin. The guy looks up and when he sees that I'm going to hit the ground, he swiftly catches me in his arms. He smiles at me awkwardly and puts me down. The moment I touch the ground, I feel a sword beneath me. I take it in my hand and run somewhere safe. I take a good look at my surroundings and see a bunch of cocoons. I go at them and start cutting them open. I see a bunch of dead bodies, all of them are naked.

While I'm cutting them, I hear the boy screaming and when I don't see him, I assume that he is also in a cocoon. I run at him, but this one is harder to cut. Probably because it's fresh. I look around, only to see a beautiful young woman between me and the demon. She looks confused. I start speaking fast: "I'm not a demon I just fell from the sky. Please don't kill me! I will be willing to help you! I at least hope you're a demon slayer! Please kill this demon and help me to get that boy out of the cocoon!" She smiles at me without saying anything and goes to the young girl. This woman's aura is super creepy. She screams bloody murder, while she's smiling. Something is wrong with the Taisho era. Can she even cut the head of a demon?

I'm not judging or anything, but her body looks like it can't cut this kind of thing. So I sit down next to the boy, who is still stuck in that thing. I watch how the woman kills the demon. She goes behind the demon and starts talking. "Wow! Are you spinning those threads from the palm of your hands?" The demon turns around, a shocked emotion on her face. "Good evening! Isn't the moon pretty tonight?" the small woman asks. The girl starts throwing some kind of threads in her direction. But none of them touches her. She just jumps over them, her haori giving out of the effect like she's flying over these. The demon looks afraid. "It seems like you don't want to get along with me," the small woman then says, while a shadow is over her face. Her voice holds venom and coldness in it and she sheathesher sword. It hasa weird shape. It's very thin and at the end of it, there is a very sharp edge. I shiver from the coldness of her aura and it looks like the white-haired girl does the same.

"Wait! Wait, please!" the demon tries to get away from her doom. "Rui forced me to do all this! Help me!" she whines and I almost believe that. "If I cross him, he'll tie me up and cut me to pieces!" The black-haired lady just looks at her with a confused expression for a while. "Oh, really? That sounds painful. How terrible," she says but I don't hear any concern in her voice. "If we can get along, I'll help you. So please, cooperate." Now it's the demon who's confused as everything goes as she wanted. "Uh... You'll help me?" she asks. "Sure! But I need to know a few things about you first," the slayer claps her hands together and smiles. "You're a cute little lady. How many people have you killed?" she asks and the demon hesitates to answer for a second.

"Five. But I was under orders and couldn't avoid it," she says, tears in her eyes. "Please don't lie, because I'll know. That was splendid the way you cocooned up my partner. You've eaten 80 people, right?" the lady asks with a smile but I don't think that this is a real smile anymore. It looks really forced. "No... I haven't," the demon says but the lady isn't buying it. "I just came from the west. And you came from the west too," she points behind her. "I've only killed five people," the demon says again and I think that she's going to believe herself soon. "On the western side of the mountain, I saw many cocoons hanging from the trees. All contained the melted remains of people. In one spot alone I saw 14 cocoons. That's 14 dead people. I'm not angry. I just want an accurate number," the butterfly girl says. If I do know something in this situation is that she is definitely angry as hell. "What for?" the demon has a shadow on her face.

"So I can punish you properly. And then you'll be reborn! After that, we can be friends!" she exclaims with a big smile on her face and I can swear that she is seriously raging inside right now. "Punishment?" the demon has taken a step or two back. "Without any punishment, you won't have atoned for the people you killed. So I'll punish you in a way that fits your crimes. I think I'll gouge out your eyes, cut open your stomach, and pull out your guts. When you can handle that pain, your sins will be forgiven. Let's give it our best, shall we?" the slayer asks and I can't imagine how painful and gross it is.

I'm pretty sure that this girl is a psychopath or rather a sad*st. "Don't worry! You're a demon, so you won't die! And you won't have any lingering effects!" she smiles even wider. This time, the demon lost her patience. She starts using her powers and screaming. "You're serious?! This isn't a joke! Die, foul woman!" she yells but instead of dodging, the butterfly lady jumps closer to her enemy and just pokes her body about five times. Isn't she supposed to cut off its head?

"Oh well, I guess we won't be friends, after all. Gee, that's too bad," she says while landing safely. The demon turns around and wants to attack once more but before she can do anything, her body starts shivering and she spits out blood. Her white skin starts to become purple and she falls to the ground. I'm pretty sure that she's as dead as can be. "You shouldn't feel safe just because I didn't cut your head off. Because some warriors use poison- like me!" the slayer speaks while spinning her katana around. "I'm Shinobu Kocho, Insect Hashira in the Demon Slayer Corps. Of the Hashira, I'm the only one who can't cut off a demon's head, but I can make poisons that can kill demons. Impressive, isn't it? Oh, I'm sorry. You can't hear me anymore- you're dead. My bad!" she rubs her head.

She then comes closer to me. "And who might you be? I don't think you're supposed to be here. And what weird clothing are you wearing?" she asks and I look down. "Oh, I'm Y/n Tok- I mean, Tsugikuni and I don't think I'm supposed to be here either," I stop myself from saying Tokito because as I have read the stories, then Tokito was a slayer also this time. It'll be really weird when someone with the same name appears. "And well, I actually fall down from the sky. Don't ask how, I have no clue," I say while rubbing my neck.

"Well, you're not a demon. Maybe I should take you with me to the Headquarters? I think that Master might have an idea of what to do next," she says and pokes the cocoon next to me with her small sword. How the hell did that cut it? I couldn't do it with my own katana that I found on the ground. "Are you okay?" Shinobu asks the boy, who is couching. Oh, well he's naked as well. I turn around not wanting to see it. "I'm f-fine. Is it safe to leave the demon unfinished?" he asks back.

"Don't worry, she's already dead. Her body will rot. I killed her with poison made from wisteria blossoms. I'm really into chemistry. Your clothes melted, but you seem okay. Good, huh?" she says. Then she starts running, leaving me with the boy alone. "So, uh, what is your name?" I ask him, still having my back to him. "It's Murata. What about you? You really did fall down from the sky and I don't think that's what normal people do," he says, his voice shivering. Is that even possible? Anyways, I chuckle at his comment.

"Well, I think that you didn't hear it before, but my name is Y/n Tsugikuni. I usually go by Y/n only, for no reason. Feel free to call me whatever you'd like. And also, yes I did fall from the sky. No idea how," I say and receive an "mhm" as a response. We chat about nothing in particular for about 10 minutes or so when people with weird uniforms come to us. They are checking on Murata and they don't give any attention to me which I'm thankful for, because I'm too lazy to introduce myself again. There are a lot of people around by now and then there is that crow that intends to give me a heart attack.

"Take Tanjiro and Nezuko into custody and bring them back to Headquarters! Also, take Y/n Tsugikuni with you!" it screams and I have no clue how the hell it knows my name. But I'm not going to question it. Also, isn't Tanjiro the name of Sumihiko's and Kanata's ancestor's name and Nezuko Toko's and Yosh*teru's ancestor's name? I think that I'm right and I'm about to meet their ancestors. How do I tell them that? Do I even get back home? I do hope I get back there- what do they even think when I'm not there? What even happened to me? Am I still alive in there? How did I even travel in time? There are so many questions and no answers to them. But I'm not going to lose hope.

I have read so many fanfictions about guys that get stuck into an anime and then are getting depression. Well, I'm not going to be like that or at least I try to be nothing like them. They are also usually searching for love and then enjoying their time there. I have no clue why someone should do that. I mean, I should try and enjoy my stay at this time but I'm not going to search for love as it would totally mess up our own timeline. It would be horrible if it comes out that I'm somehow the great-grandmother to one of my friends.

I'm so not going to let that happen. "Capture Tanjiro and the demon Nezuko! Also, take Y/n with you! Capture them and return to Headquarters! Tanjiro has a scar on his forehead! The demon Nezuko has a bamboo gag! Y/n has different clothing!" it screams again. How nice way to find me. My clothing isn't even that different. I'm still in my uniform. Well, I did look down at my clothing before but my brain didn't somehow recognize my clothes.

By the time the crow flies away, there are those weird guys around me again. "You are Y/n Tsugikuni, right?" one of them asks me and I nod. "Okay, well are you going to come with us peacefully?" another one asks. "Sure thing. I have no f*cking idea of where I am right now so I won't mind getting anywhere else," I shrug. "Y/n-san! Come on then! Let's go!" Shinobu's beautiful voice is heard once again.

"Shinobu-san, I thought where you did go. But I'm happy that you're fine," I say to the smiling woman. "Of course I'm fine, I'm a Hashira after all. Oh, I'm sorry, you probably don't know what that means," she adds when she notes my confused expression. "It's fine. I'm sure I'll learn. So, where should we go?" I ask and she just starts walking away. I go after her and when she starts running, I know that I can't keep up with her. So I move over to the people that I actually remember being called Kakushi. At least that's what Murata said. I just walk behind them and soon we can see a beautiful mansion.

I didn't expect a Headquarter to look like this but I'm not complaining. I can hear falling water somewhere and the aura here is so refreshing. The path contains white rocks that are somehow totally in contrast with the blue sky right now. I didn't even understand that it was already night when we were in the forest. At least it's now a beautiful day. I don't think that the weather has been this perfect in my time in Japan ever. We walk in front of the mansion and there are already about 6 people there. I can also see one guy a bit away from others but no one else.

Shinobu is here too and I think that she's the shortest of them all. There is one guy that is over 2 meters tall. He has a massive body and his eyes are white. I think that he's probably blind. He also has brown hair and red pearls on his hands. I think that these are meant for praying so it would make sense that this guy is religious.

Another guy who's also tall has white or maybe even gray hair. His eyes are magenta or dark pink and he seems really muscular. He also has a weird red marking around his right eye. He also has two swords on his back. I think that everyone in here wears a uniform they personally like.

Another guy that's there has yellow hair that fades to red. He also has big eyes that have the colors yellow and red both in. His haori is white but the end of it looks just like a flame.

There is also another female. She is taller than Shinobu and somehow looks friendlier. Her hair is pink but fades to green at the end of both her braids. Her uniform contains a skirt and a blouse that has a very big hole so her chest is almost completely exposed. I feel bad for her. She also has big green eyes and the same colored long socks.

One of those people looks younger than me and I'm not sure of what gender they are. I think that this is a male just from his expression. He has big and empty blue eyes that match his long black hair that is fading blue. What's up with everyone's hair fading to another color?

The guy that stands away from others has long black hair and his eyes are deep blue. His haori is red in one half and colorful in the other half. He seems somehow really sad. I had no idea until today that I could understand people's auras. I thought this kind of thing didn't even exist. I do actually feel another presence and I raise my head to look higher and you can say that I am totally surprised by a guy that lays on a tree.

He has heterochromatic eyes, one yellow and the other blue. His hair is silk and long black colored and he has bandages over his mouth. I have no idea why but something tells me that I do not want to know it either. He looks really short but still taller than Shinobu. His haori is white with black stripes and I can't help but think about a zebra. The thing that shocks me the most is that this guy has a real snake with him. My mom didn't allow me to have one but this guy literally has one wrapped around his neck.

One of the Kakushi that was carrying Tanjiro puts him down with a big thump and then he and the other one start to yell at him to get up. "How long are you gonna sleep?! Get up already, would ya?!" the man finally screams at him, when he doesn't show any signs of waking up. But it worked since the boy finally opens his eyes and looks around. "You're in the presence of the Hashira!"

So these people are the Hashira? I had actually no idea. Well, I have no idea who the Hashira is either so it somehow may help with my stupidity. The poor beaten-up boy looks around, confused. I'm sitting down next to him and when his head turns to me, something flashes in his eyes, almost like recognition. "This is the Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters. And you, Tanjiro Kamado, are about to be put on a trial," Shinobu says with a smile.

Okay, so this is clear now. But why the hell am I here? I guess time shows it. "There's no need for a trial!" the guy with yellow and red hair says. "Protecting a demon is clearly against corps rules! Let's just lop off his head along with the demon's!" How the hell can he says something like that so carelessly and while smiling brightly? These people here are all psychopaths. I want to go back home. Why are that always those known and strong people that are psychos? "I'll cut off his head with style! Even the blood splashes will have a panache! Really flamboyant!" the white-haired muscular guy says. The pink-haired woman just has a cute blush on her face while she's not saying anything.

"Aw... what pitiful children. How sad. It's a tragedy they were even born!" the blind guy says. Well, that's just a harsh thing to say. How could you know that something horrible happens to them when they aren't even f*cking born? The short guy doesn't even say anything but just stares at the sky. "Let's kill 'em," the blind guy says and two people agree with him. "Yeah," the flame guy says.

"Yeah, but with style!" the muscular man agrees. Tanjiro looks absolutely terrified and I think I don't look any better. He starts frantically looking around searching for something. "Forget about him. What are we going to do about Tomioka and the girl?" the snake man asks from the top of the tree.

"Kocho says Tomioka broke corps rules too. What shall we do about this? How shall he take responsibility? What price shall he pay? Right now he's just wandering around freely, and that gives me a headache. And what is up with that girl? Why is she even here?" he complains. Well, I think I know who most of these people hate. It's this Tomioka-guy, who stands away from others. "We needn't worry about him. He came along without a fight. We can consider a suitable punishment later. I'm more interested in questioning the kids," Shinobu says. I think that maybe I should start calling her Kocho, but I'm not sure because she didn't say anything before when I called her Shinobu.

Well, this was a really late update! Over 3 months of not writing it. Well, here you go! Another fresh chapter!

*~Taisho-era secrets~*

-Shinobu actually didn't want the others to meet Y/n

-Tanjiro saw how she fell down from the sky

-The Master has no idea what to do about Y/n




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It's You?! (Yandere!Kny x Reader) - Chapter 3 - poemsarebest - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)
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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.