Siberian Husky Wolf Mix: Facts, Puppy Price & Guide | Puplore (2024)

The Siberian Husky Wolf Mix is also known as Wolf hybrid or Wolfdog. It is a controversial cross between the Siberian Husky and Wolf.

We say “controversial” because many frowns at any cross that involves a wild animal, and the Wolfdog is not legal in some areas.

This, added to the challenge of caring for one, makes the Wolfdog a rare mix.

Not surprisingly, this hybrid isn’t for everyone. People don’t usually own it as a family dog because it isn’t very suitable for that position, regardless of training.

You can’t train out the wild part of the Wolf in this mix, and the more of the Wolf gene it has, the wilder it stays.

But even a little wolf gene is enough for a husky mixed with a wolf to retain its wildness.

Let’s look more into this notoriously mixed breed.

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Siberian Husky Wolf Mixed Breed Information

Siberian Husky Wolf Mix: Facts, Puppy Price & Guide | Puplore (1)
Height25 to 33 inches
Weight75 to 155 pounds
Life Expectancy12 to 14 years
CoatMedium, double, thick
ColorsGray, white, brown, tan
TemperamentTerritorial, protective, intelligent
Ideal ForVery experienced owners
Breed RecognitionNot recognized
Puppy Price$800– $1000

Siberian Husky Wolf Mix Puppy Characteristics

Siberian Husky Wolf Mix: Facts, Puppy Price & Guide | Puplore (2)

The Parent Breeds

Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky Wolf Mix: Facts, Puppy Price & Guide | Puplore (3)

The Siberian Husky is a widely popular, exotic-looking, and one of the most ancient dog breeds that are sought after by many pet parents, especially Game of Thrones fans.

It originated from Siberia as a sled dog for a nomadic tribe and was also a companion for families.

The first Huskies in the United States came into Alaska in 1908 during the gold rush. In 1930, the American Kennel Club recognized the breed.

The Siberian Husky resembles a wolf but isn’t as wild-looking. It has pointed ears, intelligent blue or brown (or both) eyes, and a furry tail.

It has a double coat, the outer being straight and the inner, dense.

The Husky is a medium-sized dog that weighs between 35 and 60 pounds and grows up to 23 inches tall at the shoulder.

A friendly and extroverted breed, the Siberian Husky makes no enemy. It can’t be a good guard dog because it isn’t wary of strangers, especially when well trained.

It is also independent enough to not be too clingy, a good choice for busy people.

However, it is highly energetic and can be very difficult to train.

20 Different Types of Huskies You May Not Know

Wolf (Canis Lupus)

Siberian Husky Wolf Mix: Facts, Puppy Price & Guide | Puplore (4)

Generally, there are two main types of wolves: the Grey Wolf and the Red Wolf. There are also many subspecies and even wolf hybrids.

The estimated number of subspecies is 38, but one can’t be sure of how many Wolf hybrids there are.

The most popular wolf is the Grey Wolf, the main parent of the Husky Wolf Mix.

The Grey Wolf is a very old animal, and wolves, in general, are regarded as ancestors of dogs.

Records and evidence suggest that the Grey Wolf has been around for a million years and was one mammal that came out of the Ice Age unharmed.

They have since been found in many parts of the world.

Wolves have a wild appearance, but striking nonetheless. Their ears are upright, teeth sharp, muzzles pointed, and eyes a solid brown.

To complement that is the bushy tail. It has a double coat, the undercoat is soft and the outercoat is coarse, giving it the wild look.

The Grey Wolf typically weighs from 60 pounds to as big as 175 pounds.

Over the years, people have tried to domesticate the wolf, but that’s as easy as trying to domesticate—say—a lion.

Wolves are wild by nature, and though there have been few records of success, the bigger failures make the endeavor too risky.

Facts About the Husky Wolf Mix You Should Know

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1. Wolf Huskies get aggressive from an early age

You don’t need to wait for your husky and wolf mix to become an adult before it starts challenging you.

Wolves are known to try and take over the pack as early as 2 years. Once it sees you as the alpha, it will want to assume that position.

Any sign of weakness from you is seen as an advantage.

2. They have a strong pack mentality

This fact is related to the above one. Your chances of succeeding with the Husky Wolf hybrid are higher if you master the pack mentality.

Both wolves and Huskies thrive in packs, so does their offspring. When a Wolfdog takes your family and other pets as members of the pack, it behaves better.

3. Standard dog training methods don’t work on them

A challenging aspect of training a Wolfdog is that you can’t train it like other dog breeds.

The whole obedience training and other methods won’t work for this hybrid. It isn’t used to living with humans or being trained by them.

It still needs to be socialized, though, and given strict training using other methods.

4. There is no approved Wolfdog vaccine for rabies

Besides the sharpness of its teeth, what makes the Wolfdog’s bite dangerous is that there is no approved Wolfdog vaccine for rabies.

While pet parents are advised to still vaccinate this hybrid, any bite is considered a rabies risk, regardless.

5. Wolf Husky mix dogs aren’t legal everywhere in America

Due to the challenges of domesticating this hybrid, it is illegal in some states.

No one is quite sure how much wolf gene is inside the Wolfdog, so some states prefer playing it safe. If you want to own one, be sure to check if it is legal in your state.

Siberian Husky Wolf Hybrid Appearance

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General Appearance

Like other mixed breeds, the Husky Wolf hybrid doesn’t have a definite appearance, even amongst puppies of the same litter.

Some get the rebellious looks of the wolves, others the beautiful appearance of the Husky.

Usually, this Mix takes the brown eyes of the wolf, though some are known to inherit the blue Husky’s eyes.

The teeth are often sharper than the purebred Husky, and it always has erect ears. The tail remains bushy like that of both parents.

Size: How big does a Husky Wolf mix get?

The Wolfdog’s size generally falls between the Siberian Husky and the Wolf.

It is bigger than the Husky, but usually smaller than the Wolf (though some can be the same size).

The male Husky Wolf mix usually weighs between 85 and 155 pounds while the female weighs between 75 and 130 pounds.

In height, the male grows up to 33 inches while the female gets to 32 inches.

Colors and Coat Type

This mix comes with a double coat of medium length, thick and dense. It has a variety of colors, including black, gray, white, brown, and tan.

The Wolfdog’s color hardly remains constant, a trait it got from its parent’s wolf colors, which vary according to the species and location.

Expect to see subtle changes in coat color as the Husky Wolf hybrid puppy grows.

Husky Wolf Mix Temperament & Behavior

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As risky as the Husky Wolf hybrid might be, it has its good sides.

It can be a loyal and sweet buddy as long as training was done right, and would even be friends with family members because of the Husky side.

Under a strong leader, it remains very devoted. These are the only family-friendly traits they have, though.

Wolfdogs are known to be highly dominant, territorial, and protective. Do not attempt removing any object from its mouth or you might get bit as a result.

You must also not show any signs of weaknesses around a Wolfdog too, as that’s a green light for it to take charge.

Do not keep it indoors. Not only is it too big for an apartment, but it also tends to mark its territory by urinating.

This breed is highly intelligent as well as being energetic. It needs about 3 to 4 hours of intense physical and mental activities or it would get destructive.

It can get dangerous, especially around strangers. Most times, however, the aggression is fear-based.

The hybrid inherited the shyness of wolves and may react negatively to a new face.

It isn’t a problem if you want a canine that would scare people off (we’re looking at you, antisocials), but it needs to be socialized to reduce this tendency.

Are Husky Wolf Mix Good Family Dogs?

It might sound cool to have a Wolfdog as a pet (“Hey, guess what? We own a Wolfdog. Isn’t that cool?”).

However, owning this mix is similar to getting drunk. It starts as a fantastic idea, but you won’t want to wake up the following morning.

In the same vein, the reality of keeping a Wolfdog as a pet doesn’t tally with fantasy.

You should never think of owning this hybrid if you’re a new pet parent or if you have kids at home.

If you do own one in a house with kids, do not let your children close to it because of its predatory nature.

That said, it is possible to domesticate a Husky Wolf dog. It just takes a lot more time, effort, strictness, and a dose of luck. The Wolfdog isn’t the best option for a household companion.

Are They Good With Other Dogs & Pets?

Husky Wolf Mix might flow with other dogs, provided it sees them as a member of the pack.

This is more likely to happen if it grows with them. It can still be dominant, though, even around dogs, it knows.

It is not a safe idea to have this hybrid around cats and other smaller pets. It has a strong prey drive and may not be able to resist snacking on them.

How Much Does a Husky Wolf Mix Puppy Cost?

Siberian Husky Wolf Mix: Facts, Puppy Price & Guide | Puplore (8)

The standard Husky Wolf puppy costs around $800 to $1,000, but some can get as high as $5,000. It all depends on the pedigree and sometimes even where you stay.

Because the Wolfdog is a bit rare, it might take you some time to find a reputable breeder, but if you’re determined you will get results.

As we stated above, find out your state’s laws concerning the Wolfdog before you set out to buy one.

Some states ban owning one, others require a certain license you should have.

If the laws permit you to have one, the next step would be to find a reputable breeder.

Be sure to always go to where the breeder is located, rather than making a purchase online.

If the breeder objects to a visit, that is not a good sign. You should also not buy a pup from a puppy mill.

Furthermore, ask for the medical records of the parents mated to get the hybrid pup.

Only then would you be certain that the pup is free from home inherited illnesses like hip dysplasia. Expect some questions from the breeder as well, and keep their contact.

Adoption is another legal process, especially as more Wolfdogs are abandoned and even left to be euthanized.

It is an unfortunate situation, which is why you must do your homework before you get one.

Husky Wolf Mix Food & Diet

Unlike other dog breeds that thrive on dog kibble, the Wolfdog should be put on a raw meat diet.

The only raw meat you shouldn’t feed this hybrid is pork as it is unhealthy for them.

Dog kibble is unhealthy too as it won’t be beneficial for their wolfish side. Remember their wild instincts.

They require pounds of raw meat daily to be satisfied. In addition to this meat, you can slip in some supplements containing essential vitamins, glucosamine, and other nutrients.

They can’t be fed anything other than raw meat, and you shouldn’t keep them off it before they start hunting down any small animal they see.

A raw meat diet is an expensive one, so you need to budget for it.

Exercise Requirements for a Husky Wolf Mixed Dog

Siberian Husky Wolf Mix: Facts, Puppy Price & Guide | Puplore (9)

A normal restless dog’s definition of destructive behavior is minimal compared to the Wolfdog’s destructive habits.

You should not neglect its exercise needs if you want your environment to remain the same. It needs at least 3 to 4 hours of exercise every week.

The Wolfdog should be allowed to roam, which means you need a minimum of 1 acre of land, well fenced.

If you own more than one Wolfdog, you’d need more acres so they won’t get territorial. It isn’t advisable to own up to 4 Wolfdogs (really, are you trying to build an army?)

Physical exercises include walks and long jogs. It needs to be stimulated mentally, as well.

Training & Socializing a Siberian Husky Wolf Dog

To train a Husky Wolf mix, you need time, dedication, passion, and the right amount of experience.

As we stated above, the Husky Wolf dog can’t be trained using the same methods as other dogs.

This is why it should not be left in the hands of a novice or timid parent.

The best way experts suggest the Husky Wolf hybrid puppy be trained in the same way young wolves learn from their parents—mimicking.

That’s how young wolves learned to hunt in packs. It is seen as effective in training and should be implemented when the Wolfdog is still a puppy.

Socialization is vital to curb fear-based aggression. Introduce your pup to new places, people, and situations.

How To Socialize An Aggressive Dog (10 Pro Tips)

Grooming Needs for a Siberian Husky Mix with Wolf

The Wolfdog’s double coat sheds heavily throughout the year, making grooming a high need. You should brush yours regularly to remove any dead hair.

Bathing is not necessary with this hybrid as you might need to bathe only 4 times a year or so—Wolfdogs are self-cleaning.

It likes to be groomed in a pack, so groom it alongside other dogs it has accepted as pack members.

You should also start grooming from a young age to get the mix used to the process.

Other forms of hygiene are important too, but you should be more careful when handling some, like clipping nails or cleaning the ears. Hiring a professional groomer is not a bad idea.

Wolf Husky Mix Health and Conditions

Siberian Husky Wolf Mix: Facts, Puppy Price & Guide | Puplore (10)

With a life span that gets up to 14 years, you can be sure the Wolf Husky is a healthy one.

The wolf gene is advantageous here as it is capable of resisting a lot of infections.

Even so, you should visit a vet to understand more about the health of the Wolf Husky hybrid.

There are some particular illnesses this mix might be susceptible to, including Hip dysplasia, eye conditions, deafness, and obesity.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is one of the most common canine health conditions, and even wolves can suffer from it. It is inherited, but might not manifest till sometime later in life.

It occurs when there is an abnormality in the structure of the hip joint, leading to its deterioration. Dogs suffering from hip dysplasia might eventually get lame.

Symptoms include reluctance to exercise, limping and display of pain.

Eye Conditions

Both Gray wolves and Huskies are vulnerable to some eye-related issues.

Some of these conditions (like Progressive Retinal Atrophy) are incurable and blinding. Others can be treated, such as an eye infection.


Deafness in dogs is often inherited and incurable, although some other factors can cause deafness like an untreated ear infection or ear damage.


Because they feed on raw meat, Wolfdogs are prone to obesity. You can avoid this by controlling the amount of meat you give them, and through regular exercise.

Grey Wolf Husky FAQs

Do Husky Wolf shed?

Husky Wolf mixes are known to be heavy shedders throughout the year and need regular brushing to remove dead hair.They are not hypoallergenic, and therefore, not recommended for allergy sufferers.

Are Husky Wolf mixes aggressive?

Because of the wild nature of the Husky Wolf dog, it is hard to domesticate. This mix is prone to being aggressive and not the best option for a family dog.

Are Wolf Husky hybrids Illegal?

This hybrid is banned in some American states due to safety concerns. In others, you might need to get a license that would permit you to own one. It all depends on the state laws.

What is a Husky Wolf Mix called?

The Wolf Husky mix goes by many other names, including the Husky Wolf hybrid and Wolfdog.

Final Thoughts: Is the Wolf and Husky Mix Right for Me?

It all falls to preference, but safety should be a priority regardless of how awed you are by this hybrid.

Do not attempt getting one if you don’t have the right environment, skills, experience, and legal backing to have one.

If you want dogs that look like wolves or coyotes, there are tamer ones out there you can get in place of a Husky mixed with a Wolf.

Other Husky Mixes You May Like:

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References & Notes

Featured Image @hiroyuki_the_wolfdog

Siberian Husky Wolf Mix: Facts, Puppy Price & Guide | Puplore (2024)
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