Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (2024)

Single Stream Recycling is an automated sorting process designed to handle non-hazardous items from your kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, office and mailbox. The recyclables are then collected and transported to a material recovery facility where they are sorted and processed.

Plastic Bottles, Jugs, Tubs and Jars

Rinsed and caps on.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (1)

Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles should be empty and rinsed out. Lids must be left on to be recycled otherwise they are too small to make it through the sorting equipment. Bottles are recycled into fleece jackets, upholstery, carpet, new bottles and more.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (2)

Plastic Spray and Pump Bottles

Empty spray and pump bottles that contained non-hazardous household cleaning products. (Pumps and caps can be left on).

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (3)

Plastic Drink Jugs

Lightly rinse empty plastic milk and juice jugs. Caps can be left on.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (4)

Plastic Yogurt and Pudding Containers

Rinsed butter and yogurt cups, tubs and lids. (no foil lids).

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (5)

Plastic Food Tubs

Plastic food containers rinsed.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (6)

Plastic Jars

Rinsed food jars like peanut butter and honey jars.

Glass Bottles and Jars

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (7)

Glass Bottles

Rinsed glass wine, beer and soda bottles.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (8)

Glass Jars

Rinsed food jars including dressing, pickle jars, etc.

Aluminum and Steel (Tin) Cans and Foil Pans

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (9)

Aluminum Cans

Rinsed aluminum drink cans (Do Not Crush) - crushed cans may become too small and fall through the sorting equipment or get mixed with the paper and cardboard. Cans are recycled into new cans, bicycle, airplane and car parts and more.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (10)

Tin Cans

Rinsed steel and tin food cans.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (11)

Aluminum Bottles

Aluminum beer and soda bottles.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (12)

Cooking Oil Cans

Rinsed metal cooking oil cans.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (13)

Foil Pans

Clean foil cooking pans and clean sheets of aluminum foil.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (14)

Kitchen Metal Spray Cans

Empty kitchen spray can contents. Leave lid on.

Cardboard Boxes, Tubes and Drink Cartons

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (15)

Cardboard Food Boxes

Flattened cardboard cereal and snack boxes (remove liner bag).

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (16)

Paper Towl Tubes

Cardboard paper towel tubes.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (17)

Cardboard Egg Cartons

Cardboard egg cartons (NO plastic or foam egg cartons).

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (18)

Paper Bags

Clean and empty paper bags. No wax coated bags or food soiled bags.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (19)

No Glass Cookware

Glass cookware is a toughened glass with added chemicals which changes its melting point which cannot be recycled in the single-stream process. If in good condition, consider donating to a local thrift store or charity.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (20)

No Drinking Glasses

Drinking glasses are toughened glass with added chemicals which changes its melting point and cannot be recycled in the single-stream process. If in good condition, consider donating to a local thrift store or charity.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (21)

No Food Storage Bags

Like plastic shopping bags, these cannot be recycled in the single-stream process. They can be recycled with shopping bags at your local grocery store.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (22)

No Potato Chip / Snack Bags

These bags are not made from a material that is recyclable.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (23)

No Drink and Yogurt Pouches

Pouches are not made from a recyclable material and cannot be recycled in the single-stream process.

Recycling Options

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (24)

No Plastic Trash Bags

Plastic trash bags cannot be recycled in the single-stream process. They tangle in the machinery. Please DO NOT put your recyclables in a trash bag inside your recycling cart.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (25)

No Food Storage Containers

Reusable food storage containers cannot be recycled in the single-stream process due to the varying types of plastics used in their production. If in good condition, consider donating to a local charity or thrift store otherwise they should be placed in the garbage.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (26)

No Styrofoam Clam Shells

Styrofoam products cannot be recycled in the single-stream process. Once contaminated by food they need to be placed in the garbage.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (27)

No Food Wrappers

Food wrappers and packaging cannot be recycled in the single-stream process.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (28)

No Plastic Produce / Bakery Containers

Lightweight plastic containers from the produce and bakery departments cannot be recycled in the single-stream process due to the higher melting point required to process.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (29)

No Plastic Utensils

Plastic utensils cannot be recycled in the single stream process due to their small size.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (30)

No Napkins and Paper Towels

Napkins and paper towels are too lightweight to be processed by the sorting equipment. Their fibers are also too short to recycle into new paper. They are typically contaminated with food and other waste items making them garbage.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (31)

No Paper Cups

Paper cups often have a waxy coating that prevents them from being recycled.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (32)

No K-Cup Pods

K-cup pods are made from multiple materials including coffee grounds. Even if you are able to separate the materials they are too small to navigate the sorting facilities machines.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (33)

No Paper Plates Products

Wax-coated cardboard cannot be recycled like regular corrugated cardboard. Often times these items are used with food and once contaminated need to be placed in the garbage.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (34)

No Plastic Wrap

Like plastic shopping bags, this material will get tangled in the machines at the sorting facility. Clean Plastic Wrap can be recycled with shopping bags at your local grocery store.

Plastic Film Recycling

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (35)

No Metal Utensils

Metal utensils will jam the sorting facilities machines. Please consider donating these materials to a local charity or thrift store.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (36)

No Drink Lids and Straws

Drink lids and straws are not made from a recyclable plastic.

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (37)

No Plastic Shopping Bags

Plastic bags cannot be processed by single-stream sorting equipment. They get tangled in the sorting equipment and cause delays due to equipment shut downs. Recycle your bags at your local grocery store.

Recycling Bags

Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (38)

No Metal Cookware

Metal cookware is too ridged and will jam up the sorting equipment. If in good condition, consider donating to a local thrift store or charity.


Single Stream Recycling for the Kitchen (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.