The Union County Journal from Marysville, Ohio (2024)

THE UNION- COUNTY JOUENA ESTABLISHED 1374. THE UNION COUNTY JOURNAL, MARYSVILLE, OHIO, FEBRUARY 1, VOLUME XXXVIII N0.33. 0 W. WRITES UQLS EIN-FRESIAN DELEGATES GET ALL FUSSED UP Cow Again fins World's Record For Some Hnmerous Comments On Boss County's Efforts to Land State Institution. HOUSE REVISES STEEL TARIFF Underwood Bill Goes Through by Vote ol 210 to 109.

Tear's Ootpnt ot Gutter. Ecmarkable Record Have Warm Debate Over Teh- The following appeared in the Cincinnati Enquire Sunday in "Jeems" phena Attach STOKELY REPLACES CRDIuH STORMY SCENES ENACTED World's butter record for 1 year's production is beaten, but the honor again goes, to the Holitein Friesian cow, Pontlao Clothilda DeKoled. She produced 26,318 lbs. of milk, 1.271,6 lbs of butter, average per cent, fat 4.02 In 865 days. Record made at 4 years of age.

The "deposed queen of the dairy," Colantha 4th's Jobamis, held the yearly world's record for years producing 27,282 lbs. of milk, 1,248.8 lbs. of butter average per cent of fat 3.64. Record made at 8 years of age. Faulkner's political letter, which is of local interest: "All other matters are laid aside for the moment to announce that Chillicothe and Ross County have made formal entry into the prize competition for the site of the State Female Reformatory.

As is uow well, understood the competitor getting up the best set ot resolutions showing that Governor Harmon should be translated from his present to the Presidency will get the first grab for this institution. This week a posse comitatus, made of prominent friends of Judge Wallace D. Yaple, of the State Liability Board of Awards, waited upon the Governor and presented him with a petition signed by 800 equally prominent friends of the Judge, declaring that they felt that unless Harmon was nominated for President the country would Althougth the new record beats the Representative Mann (III.) Protest Against Use of Steam Roller, but Effort to Secure Unlimited Debate on Free List It Unsuccessful. Twenty-one Republicans Vote With Majority and Three Democrats With Minority. Washington.

Jan. 30. By a vote of J10 to 109, the Democratic bill revising the iron and steel schedule of the Payne-Aldrich tariff law was passed by the house. The Republican minority became Indignant at the refusal of Majority Leader Underwood Charge That Nevi Attendant Bell Lobbyist Creates Discord on Floor of Constitutional Convention and Hoskins Warns Membera Not to Make Themselves Ridiculous In Eyes of People Halfhlll'a Resolu-to Restrict Scope Is Tabled. Columbus.

Jan. 30. On the floor of the constitutional convention a warm debate was precipitated over the question' as to whether or not Val Stokely of Greenville, telephone attendant for the Central Union company, is a lobbyist. After repeated assertions that Stokely was a lobbyist and equally vehement denials of the charge by Stokely's friends, It was former one only by 23 lbs of butter, yet it Is a wonderful record. Practically 106 lbs of butter every calendar month, and only looking at it this way does one readily grasp the mag nitude.

Pontiac Clothilde De Kol 2d held for a short period the world's 7-day rec ord produoing 37.207 lbs. of butter in gO to the dingbats." 7 day 8. This record is now held by Pontiao Pet having produced 37.67 lbs in 7 days or 6.38 lbs per day for 7 successive days. Pietertje Maid Ormsby has the 3 day record, producing 145 66 lbs butter in 30 days, or 4 85 lbs a day for 30 succesive days. The remarkable record of Colant 4tha Johanna, holding at onetime the world's record for the 7 day, 30 day, "Their excuse for these flattering words, they exclaimed, was that John H.

Blacker, their fellow townsman, had joined out with the malevolent Pioneer Progressive Democratic Association, and was acting as Treasurer for that organization. Being present, they delicately mentioned that Mt. Logan, which appears, on the to permit unlimited discussion of the free list paragraph In the measure. And by numerous amendments and ceaseless calls' for 'division and tellers" succeeded in delaying action On the bill for several hours. On final passage 21 Republicans Representative Berger of Wisconsin, the lone Socialist, voted with the Democrats for the measure.

The Republicans were Representatives Jackson, Murdock and Young of Kansas, Aikln of New York, Davis and Lindbergh of Minnesota, Haugen, Woods and Hubbard of Iowa, War-burton and LaFollette of Washington, Lenroot, Moore and Nelson of Wisconsin, Norris, Sloan and of Kent and Stephens of California, Lafferty of Ore gon and Helgerson of North. Dakota. The scenes in the house lust before and year's record, may never again state seal, would, be a grand place for come to one cow, all these world records are held of the Hoi stein Friesian breed. i PRESIDENT TAFT left to the committee on employes to ascertain his position. Delegate Thomas of Cuyahoga brought up the question, declaring that the removal of Simon Cronln of in accordance with a resolution last week, was followed by put-', ting in his understudy.

asserted Stokely was rejected as a telephone attendant by the last senate. Would Remove Telephones. Mr. Doty of Cuyahoga suggested the removal of telephones, while Dei-' egates Beatty of Wood and Wagner of Darke sprang to Stokely's defense with declarations that both knew him and that he was not a lobbyist. Mr.

Hoskins of Auglaize said he wasn't afraid of being approached by a lobbyist, and added: conven 1 ion must be careful that it doesn't make ridiculous "before i the people of the state." The convention promptly tabled a resolution by Mr. Halfhlll of Allen, expressing the sense of the convention that the new constitution only general principles and pro-V visions of fundamental law," presented in the hope of shutting oft further proposals of a legislative character. It also tabled the resolution of Mr. Elson of Athens to name a commit-1' tee of five to investigate the question of submission of separate proposals at a different time from that of submission of the main body of the or-i; ganic law. 1 Visits Columbus to Dedicate the New Federal Building.

LARZ ANDERSON, AMERICAN DIPLOMAT AND TRAVELER. voting by fhe rollcall were disorderly In the Minority Leader Mann had repeatedly protested against the course of Majority Leader Underwood in moving to cut off debate on "each paragraph and kROBABLY no other man In th" diplomatic service of the I7iilrl the new institution, as it commanded a fine view of Paint Creek Valley and some Of thedangedest finest corn land tbat the Lord ever left outdoors. As for Marysville, the first to enter the the men of Ross every one believed that the country round about it was too flat. ZZZ "It has been given out that the ardent friends of Governor Harmon; of Zanesville, indignant at the attacks upon his availability and career, are rising in ther wrath to denounce the hellions who are makfng them. The Chamber of Commerce has taken hold 'and also thd "100,000 in, 1920" Club.

They do not believe that Governor Harmon is guilty of these things; and, besides the site they offer for the State when considered with the other inducements, far excels either, Chillicothe or Marys States has traveled so widely ii Anderson, minister to Bel glum. -In the many trips hAius taken he hasMted India, Ja amendment before all the Republican members who had expressed a desire to epeak had an opportunity to do bo, and when Mr. Underwood, unable to induce Mr. Mann to agree to limit debate to what "he considered a rea- -ft pan, China, Hawaii, the West Indies, the North Cape. Mexico, Canada and Alaska, not to mention his frequent sojourns in Europe.

He has held diplomatic posts in London and Rome aud during the Spanish-American war served as captain and assistant adjutant general of Captain Anderson is an Ohio man. a cousin 'of Congressman Longworth. In 1897 he married Miss Isabel Weld i'erkins of Boston, who was reputed to be the wealthiest heiress iu the country1. The Andersons have a magnificent estate In Brookline and have been noted for their lavish entertainments. Many distinguished foreigners hare been their guests, among them the Duke of the AbruzzL The king of Italy some years ago invested Captain Anderson with the orders of the Crown, of Italy and of SS.

Maurice and Lazare. When Robert Bacon recently resigned the post of ambassador to France. Captain. '(fcnderson was im- i mediately mentioned as his successor. eonable time, finally started the steam roller working and moved that the bill be put on its final pass age! there were jeers and cat-calls from the Republican side which were answered vtith Interest by yells and cheers from the Democrats.

Mr. Un COAL THIEVES ville. They propose to send assurances to the wise, patriotic and economical Chief Executive that they will send delegates to the national convention from Muskingum County in hi? interest, And also raise the1 bonus as high, if not higher, than any other derwood's original motion that the committee of the whole arise and re port the bill to the house was car POTATOES SOARING WILLIE COMPANY ried, 107 to 87. His motion that the previous question be ordered went through on a record vote, 193 to 118. Were Arrested By 1.

0. Detectives, Other Arrests Kay BeMade r'r By Detectives HIGH SCHOOL WON Three Democrats, Martin, Rucker aad Taylor of Colorado, voted with Entertains Its Travelling Salesmen Price Expected to Exceed $2 A Bushel Next Spring. i Mayor Karl) Speaks Marysville Boys Defeated Plain City High Tuesday Evening the Republicans against the steel bill. In the, Democratic caucus, held a week ago to Indorse the measure, these members explained that they were pledged to their constituents to vote for higher duties on lead and (Columbus Dispatch) Twenty-six traveling salesmen, sales 1911, by American Press Association. managers and officers of the John W'ldi Evaporated Milk RECALLS OLD DAYS.

zinc than were, provided by the bill, and by a caucus rule covering the case were excused from being bound lately moved its offices to the Union National Bank building, in Columbus, met in the initial session of a two Spectacle Vendor Is a Brother WORK BEGINS weeks' conference and advertising campaign, Saturday afternoon, in the chamber of commeroe, with the secre Marysville High School basket ball team easily defeated Plain City High here Tuesday in a fast and clean game in Gray Court Hall, 41 to 14. The visitors were completely outclassed and outplayed. The crowd was one of the largest that ever witnessed a game in Marysville. Among the chief features was Ford's Goal shooting, he making more rhan half of Marysville's points. The first half ended 20 to 7.

Lineup. Famous auctioneer "HI Blombll." Joseph fegleston, George Clifton and William Sarver were arrested by T. O. detectives P. G.

Miller and J. O. Taylor, Wednesday afternoon of last The were taken before Police Judge W. A. Garrard and after pleading guilty were fined 1.00 and costs, a-mounting in each case to $5.35.

They were also sentenced to thirty days in jail. The fines and sentences were suspended on good behavior. The railroad detectives claim that the practice of certain people stealing coal from the railroad has got to such a point that it has to be stopped. They claim to have a long list of names of Marysville people who are charged with stealing coal and notice has been given that unless the prac -tice is stopped they will be arrested and the next time the sentence will Sugar and coffee bavtS, taken their skyward flight and returned to something near their former base, but what about potatoes? From indications oyer all sections of the country it looks as if housewives will have to cut the supply of other commodities to be able to furnish their families with a proper proportion of tuber. By next spring the price promises to be se high that one potato to a pot of soup will be considered extravagance.

Local wholesale merchants have advanced the price from $1.00 to fl.10 per bnshel aud another advance is expected soon. Retailers are selling at $1.20 to 1.50 a Two reasons are attributed for the advance from the present high price, tary-treasurer of the company, John Montgomery, presiding. The con In Tearing Bown Buildings Condemned By Male Fire Marshal. Ed. Brownich, who has been selling vention headquarters are at the Ven dome.

spectacles from a stand at the corner of Court, and Fifth streets, is a brother The salesmen were welcomed by MavorKarbwho evinced considerable of the celebrated Hi Blumbli" who made himself famous selling articles interest in the firm's product, held Plain City L. Sherwood, r. f. Sheehan 1. f.

Killgore, Marysville Ford r. f. Boyd.l. f. Baldwin, of all kinds all over the state from a them strictly to the promise of a One of the buildings which was recently condemned by the state fire marshal in Marysville is now being torn down.

There are several others that will probably be torn down in the near future. All were condemned as being dangerous from fire purposes. wagon. Brownlich says that contrary to general supposition "Hi Blumbli'' is not dead but he that is a prosperous Sawyer, r. g.

N. Sherwood, McCampbell, r. g. sample and urged them to advertise the centennial. Secretary Bassell of the chamber of commerce, spoke further welcome words, and C.

not be suspended. real estate man living in Troy. scarcity in the potato crop and inability to ship during the extremely cold weather. It is predicted that The name "Blumbli" was not the The first building to be torn down is the building owned by Mrs. Charles POPULAR GIRL Barker, editor of "The Sample Case" told them just how Columbus is getting on the map.

the price next spring will rival that of 1892, when the wholesale price real name but was one adopted for trade pmrposes. The right name of the family is Brownlich. The salesmen, under the direction of reached $2.00, with the retail price in their sales managers, B. F. Amos aud proportion.

Last spring i the price Died In West Virginia Wbere Sne Was Teaching School-Native of Bicnwood. was 60 cents. Dealers have made no Ira II. Latour, will conduct a fort night's campaign in Columbus. hesitancy in stating that seed potatoes would wholesale at $2.00 a bushel in the spring.

PRICRABD WILL Miss Hazel Hosted, of RIehwood died at eUsburg.West Virgina, Wed JOHN N. LAIRD Admitted to Probate Saturday-Home nesday of last week from an illness with typhoid fever, Miss Husted was twenty-three years of acre and was a Field goals Ford, 11; Boyd, Baldwin, Sellers, Sheehan, L. Sherwood, Killgore. Foul goals-Ford Sheehan, L. Sherwood, 2.

Fouls called on Marysville, 15; Plain City, 12. Referee F. H. Hamm, of Columbus. Time of halves 20 minutes.

Odd Fellows Notice. rVUf flnA Mootnp nr. A fi-mn-wA On-, retary will be in Marysville Monday afternoon and evening, Feb. 5, to hold a special session 7 of grand lodge. Ev ery Odd Fallow in the county is urged to be present as this will be something worth while.

This is the season of the year when mothers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and have abundant reason for it as every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often follow. Chamberlains Cough Remedy is famous for its cures stead Goes to Husband During Bis Lifetime. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Braun, at 112 South Plum street. The building was formerly used as a blacksmith shop, but more recently as a carriage repository. The order of the state fire marshal is tlat all the buildings condemned shall be torn down within thirty days but the owners are giyen the privilege of an extention of time if they can show good reasons for asking the same. When the buildings are torn down it is likely that there will be several new buildings that will be constructed in Marysville.

Following is the law governing the authority of the state fire marshal "If any person fail to comply with an order of an officer under the last three proceeding sections (State Fire Marshal, Assistant Marshal or Deputy) and within the time fixed, then such officer is empowered and authorized to cause such building or premises to be repaired, torn down, demolished, material removed and all dangerous conditions remedied, as the case may be, and at the expense of Has announced thai He Kill Ee a Candidate lor Sheriff on Republican Ticket. liustea, ol Richwood. She was a graduate of the Richwood hitrh school such person, and it such person within thirty days fail, neglect or refuse to pay such officer the expense thereby Incurred by him, such officer shall certify such expense, together with twenty-five per cent, penalty thereon to the county auditor, and said auditor shall enter such expenses on the tax duplicates of said county as a special charge against the real estate on which the building was Bituated. and same shall be collected shall together with the penalty, be refunded to such officer. "Any person or persons being the owner, occupant, lessee or agent of buildings or premises, who willfully fails, neglects or refuses to comply with an order of any officer named, in the last four preceding sections, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than fiffty The will of Mrp.

Sarrah Lorena and was also a teacher there. Last Pritchard, late of New Dover, was Fall she went to Wellsburg to assume the position as principal of the hitrh admitted to probate Saturday morn JohnN. Liard, Proprietor of the feed stable on Sixth street, has announced that he will go before the Republican primariesas a candidate for the Republican nomination for sheriff. He has been president of the fair board for some years past. Blooding sitorPl by IlMiiford'a ing.

The will was drawn July 3, 1911, and was witnessed by Mrs. Alrnira Myers and Jeff L. Richey. The family homestead is bequeathed to her husband, George Pritchard, At his it in to go to the two children, Mrs. Ellas Graham and Frank Pritchard.

Elias Pritchard is named as executor. The remains were brought to Richwood, where the funpral was held. o- i- Go to the Church Hardware Company, the pioneer and expert Heater and Plumber men for your furnaca and plumbing work. gtf. aud is pleasant and safe to take.

For sale by all dealers. -2 dollars nor less than ten dollars for each days 4.

The Union County Journal from Marysville, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

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Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.